
2022-09-23 13:52

作者:陈文昊 王艺



Interpretation of key points of the first revision of the Cybersecurity Law



Since its implementation in 2017, the Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “CSL”) has provided a powerful framework for safeguarding cyberspace sovereignty and national security, social and public interests, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and companies. On September 14, 2022, the Cyberspace Administration of China (the “CAC”) promulgated the Decision on Amending the Cybersecurity Law (Draft for Comment) (the “Revised Draft of the CSL”), which is the first revision of the CSL. The revision of the CSL aims to coordinate the CSL and the newly implemented laws, and further improve the legal liability system to ensure cybersecurity. This article lists six key points of the Revised Draft of the CSL and elaborates our observations and suggestions for your reference.


I. Key Points of the Revised Draft of the CSL


1. 对齐《个人信息保护法》中的最高处罚机制
Parallel the maximum penalty with that in the Personal Information Protection Law


The CSL stipulates two levels of penalty in the case of “violation this law” and “refusal to make rectifications or serious circumstance”. The Revised Draft of the CSL adds a new level of penalty in the case of “especially serious circumstance”. In addition, the highest-level of punishment in the case of “especially serious circumstance” is aligned with the penalty stipulated in the Personal Information Protection Law (the “PIPL”), which is “a fine of not more than 50 million yuan or not more than 5% of its turnover of the previous year”. On the one hand, it reflects the coordination with the PIPL, and on the other hand, it also greatly increases the cost of violating the CSL.

2. 对责任人员的处罚力度加大
Upgrade penalties for responsible personnel


The Revised Draft of the CSL incorporates the “qualification penalty” mechanism in the PIPL for the person directly in charge and other directly liable persons, which stipulates that under the circumstance of “especially serious circumstance”, the person directly in charge and other directly liable persons can be prohibited from acting as directors, supervisors, senior executives of relevant enterprises, or working on key positions relating to cybersecurity management and network operations for a certain period of time. At the same time, the maximum fine for responsible persons has also been raised to 1 million yuan. As a result, the legal risk of person-in-charge of cybersecurity has been further increased, and the responsibilities of the person-in-charge of cybersecurity. the person-in-charge of data security and the person-in-charge of personal information protection have basically been aligned.

3. 对CIIO的影响
 Impact on CIIO


To avoid maximum penalty amount for affecting national security, CIIO need to do self-examination on the issues of identification, procurement of network products and services. This penalty mechanism will be a very strong deterrent to many CIIOs or companies that may have been identified as CIIOs, as they need to pay a lot and replace their original network products and services which may bring high risks.

Responsibility of Network Operators


If the network operator sells or provides network critical equipment or network security products without required test, the enterprise and people in charge are facing a higher risk of punishment. In addition, network operators should provide technical support and assistance for public security organs, state security organs to maintain national security and investigation of crime activities,  otherwise they will face punishment.

5. 其它处罚对象
Other penalty objects


Organizations or individuals who commit the act of fabricating or disseminating false information to disturb the economic and social order, as well as infringe upon the reputation, privacy, intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights and interests of others, will also face the risk of applying the maximum penalty mechanism.


II. Our Observations and Suggestions


1. 重新梳理《网络安全法》义务清单并做好风险评估工作
Reexamine the list of obligations under the CSL and initiate the risk assessment work


Given that the Revised Draft of the CSL has further raised the upper limit of penalties, to avoid the application of the highest penalty, we suggest enterprises to reexamine the list of obligations relating to cybersecurity in accordance with the Revised Draft of the CSL, and conduct risk inventory, risk assessment, gap analysis and rectification work in a timely manner in accordance with the list of obligations.

2. 做好是否适用国家安全审查的排查工作
Check whether the national security review is applicable


To avoid facing a high fine of “not more than 5% of its turnover of the previous year” due to the use of network products and/or services which have not undergo or have failed in the security review, CIIOs and enterprises that may be identified as CIIOs should check whether the network products and services they purchase may affect national security, and timely apply for national security review if they may affect national security. At the same time, enterprises may need to timely replace network products and services if necessary.

Focus on the obligation and punishment mechanism


For outbound data transfer, we need to pay attention to Outbound Data Transfer Security Assessment Measures and other laws and regulations on the setting of obligations and penalty mechanisms, and we should pay great attention to the outbound data transfer security assessment to avoid triggering multiple red lines.

Establish a prior review mechanism


For the information dissemination behavior of enterprises or individuals, attention needs to be paid to the establishment of a good prior review mechanism before the release of corporate content as well as to do a good job of assessing the legality of their own network products to avoid spreading false information and infringing on the reputation, privacy, intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights and interests of others, otherwise, people who has the above behaviors will face the risk of applying the highest penalty mechanism.

Train the person in charge of network security


It is recommended to carry out targeted training to improve "awareness of their own performance" and "risk awareness"  of the people in charge of network security and other directly responsible personnel to avoid the application of the CSL’s 1 million fine, qualification penalty, and even criminal liability.
